Room 2, Foyer upper floor
This session will go over the setup and operation of a pastured poultry enterprise in Scotland. We will discuss setting up a pastured laying hen enterprise and what that entails. We will also look at the regulation side of pastured poultry and what this means for coop design specifically.
As well as layers we will give a brief overview of pastured broilers, how we rear them as well as processing and selling.
Colin Russell, Ramstane Farm Ltd

Jill and Colin own a 16 acre small holding in Ayrshire where they produce 100% pasture raised eggs and poultry as well as 100% grass fed beef and lamb. They are advocates for the integration of trees in farming systems and have implemented a silvopasture orchard which has a broad range of trees, shrubs and plants.
Colin has trained with the Soil Food Web school and is now a certified Lab-Tech where he aims to understand soil microbes and how they function.
Our aim is to produce a thriving ecosystem that regenerates the land and provides us and others with a sustainable food source, whilst also allowing us to teach others and connect with nature.