
The Scottish Smallholder Festival is a great opportunity to promote your business or organisation to smallholders, gardeners, crofters, crafters and growers. There is a range of sponsorship packages available to businesses, organisations and individuals, each with a different level of promotional activity associated with it.

Financial sponsorship

Our Event Sponsor and Event Partner sponsorship packages provide your business or organisation with prominent exposure at the Festival and on our website. Please contact commercial@festival.scot to discuss your requirements.

Donation of prizes

The Festival’s organisers are delighted to accept donations of prizes to reward our showing class competitors. Prizes may be perpetual e.g. a cup, salver or rose bowl, or may be for a single year e.g. rosettes, bags of feed or items of equipment.

As a donor, you may specify the class or section that you want the prize to support.

Donations of perpetual prizes will be listed in the Show Schedule and on the Festival’s website, which will be available to visitors to the Festival, and on the Festival’s website. Donations of annual prizes will be listed in the Festival Catalogue.

If you are interested in having a physical presence at the Festival please also see the Commercial information page.