Room 3, Foyer upper floor
You will hear a general overview of what is involved in looking after alpacas, including topics such as feeding, general welfare, parasite management, how many alpacas to an acre and what business opportunities there are.
There will be plenty of opportunities for questions during the session, so if you come with anything specific you want to know, there will be lots of chances to ask.
Stuart Ramsay, Velvet Hall Alpacas

Stuart has kept alpacas since 2012, together with Jean, They started with pet boys and then moved into the world of breeding and showing, specialising in grey alpacas. They have won numerous championships with their alpacas; and also trek and visit schools and care homes.
Stuart was on the national British Alpaca Society board for 3 years, set up the Scottish Alpaca Show, is current chair of the Show Committee and is Welfare Officer for Scotland.