Set up and breakdown arrangements for stands

Thanks for booking to come to the Festival, we appreciate your support.

We have to put in place a number of organisational instructions to ensure everyone has a good, safe show.

Entrance wristbands

You will receive by post the entrance wristbands you requested, before show week. If you have not received these by the 10th October please contact us.

You will need to have these wristbands with you and you will need to be wearing them at all times on Saturday 14th October. You will not gain entry to the showground without them.

Please note that the wristbands are colour coded. There will be security and stewards in place – please don’t make their job any more difficult than it already is!


You will be able to unload on Friday 13th between 17:00 and 20:00, and on Saturday 14th between 07:00 and 08:30. All vehicles must be unloaded, moved and parked by 8:45am so gates can open at 9:00.

Please note that absolutely no vehicles are allowed in the Hall on Saturday morning. If you need to drive into the hall with your stand, you must do so on Friday.

On both Friday afternoon and Saturday there will be traffic marshalls in place to help you get unloaded as soon as possible.

This map shows you the entrance gate to come in, the unloading areas and the traders car park:

Trade entry map

If you are in the rural skills area or the Garden, Craft and Food Hall, there will be helpers available in the foyer area to make sure you can unload quickly.


Once you have unloaded on Saturday morning, you will be directed to the traders’ car park opposite the front entrance of the hall. For safety reasons we cannot open the show until all trade vehicles are parked in the car park, so please put your vehicle there by 08:45.

After that time access will be closed for vehicle traffic although we will be able to get you out of the showground in case of emergency.


There is a traders Wi-Fi that you can use – the passcode will be available from the Smallholding Scotland office in the foyer.

Break down

At the end of the show, please wait until you have been given permission to move before you start to break down your stand. The show closes at 16:00.

Once again please follow the instructions of the traffic marshalls and the stewards – we will aim to get you out as quickly as we can.

Publicise your presence!

Finally, we would love you to publicise your presence on your websites and social media so we have created a template which you can add your logo to:

We hope that you have a great show!


If you have any questions or need some help then please contact us as soon as possible and we will try and help: or 07917 105540. Please don’t leave it until the last minute because we may not be able to answer!