Breed Societies & Showcase / Demonstrations

For many smallholders, crofters and aspiring smallholders, livestock has a central role  – and choice of breed is of considerable importance.

The Scottish Smallholder Festival is an excellent opportunity for breed societies to connect with potential new breeders and supporters, promote their breeds and sell stock.

As well as showing classes for sheep, pigs and goats, the Festival supports a series of non-competitive Showcases – for equines, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.

If you are a breed enthusiast and would be willing to come along and promote your breed, why not contact your breed society and ask for its support! The small charge that we make to breed societies helps to keep the Festival viable. Or simply contact us to have a chat about how we can work together.

We are happy to discuss special prizes – including “Best of Breed” rosettes – with both breed societies and individuals.

The Breed Society stand application should be done online here